Channelling. Be a vehicle. A path. A hole. Go. Let go. Make way for something to happen. Something, the other. Be others. Guide. Make room and draw a line. Mark a step. Divide. Contain. Carry from one place to another. Create. A plan, a landscape, a spectrum, a call.
'Channelling' connects the medium of audio with other realms. Logistics, infrastructure, landscape transformation. As a practice, channelling takes many forms: tapping into otherwise unheard voices, an invocation, a form of transmission. In this online collective exhibition, three artists explore channelling through sound.
Curated by Andrea González, with works by Laia Estruch, Anahit, and Ainhoa Hernández Escudero.
Ainhoa Hernández Escudero's contribution to 'Channelling' is titled RAAAW. It is the first iteration of the project She Has A Message For You, which researches the phenomenon of spiritism that in the 19th century was an enabler for women and other excluded voices to be heard: a medium to speak through otherness, claiming a space of visibility in the intimacy of private spaces. Ainhoa describes her project as follows:
In RAAAW, I channel voices, stories, thoughts and presences from my room. The audio clips that you will hear are the result of seven different sèances I recorded at dawn during the month of October 2023. It is a practice I’ve kept up for many years, but this is the first time I have recorded it and shared it with others. The recordings are made with a binaural microphone, with the intention for you to to listen with headphones and your eyes closed.
Remember, the message is in your way of reading it.
Note 1: Some recordings are spoken in Spanish, while others are in English. If you would like a translation, please contact me at the address below. Algunas partes están en español y otras en inglés. Si necesitas traducción, escríbeme a la dirección a continuación.
Note 2: I want to continue channelling and recording in different spaces. If you have a suggestion for a place you want me to channel, please write to me:
List of recordings in RAAAW:
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